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PhoneGap App Development Company

Evrone is a trailblazer in the digital landscape, recognized for its prowess as a PhoneGap app development company. With a robust team of dedicated PhoneGap developers, we've been at the forefront of crafting innovative and seamless applications that cater to a diverse spectrum of industries.

Our comprehensive approach encompasses everything from wireframe and prototype creation to ensuring sleek UI/UX designs, and meticulous coding. Our expertise extends to integrating advanced technologies such as AI, machine learning, and custom modules, ensuring that your applications not only meet but exceed market expectations.

Our commitment to quality and innovation has established Evrone as a trusted partner in the realm of PhoneGap app development and Cordova mobile development, propelling businesses towards a future filled with endless possibilities.

Understanding PhoneGap

PhoneGap app development leverages the power of a single codebase to transform your business ideas into functional applications. This approach significantly enhances the user experience (UX) while ensuring a swift and cost-effective process. PhoneGap developers at Evrone focus on delivering solutions that are not just versatile but also tailored to meet the specific needs of enterprises and industries. Our expertise ensures that your applications are equipped with robust functionalities, interactive UI, and responsive design, elevating your business to new heights.

Diverse PhoneGap Development Services

We offer a comprehensive suite of PhoneGap development services to cater to your diverse business needs:

Custom PhoneGap Development Our PhoneGap programmers meticulously craft tailor-made applications to align with your unique business requirements. This involves creating personalized solutions, custom coding, and seamless integration with your existing enterprise systems.
Prototyping & Wireframing We prioritize visualizing your ideas before diving into development. Our team creates detailed prototypes and wireframes to ensure your vision is accurately translated into a functional application.
Cordova UI/UX Design Our design experts excel in crafting Cordova mobile applications, guaranteeing not only flawless functionality but also an exceptional user experience on every platform.
PhoneGap App Support and Maintenance We extend comprehensive support services, ensuring your applications stay up-to-date and consistently deliver optimal performance. This includes regular updates, bug fixes, and feature enhancements.
PhoneGap Data Management Our team implements robust data management solutions, ensuring secure storage, swift network access, and seamless interactions within your PhoneGap applications.
PhoneGap Consulting Services We provide expert consulting services to guide you through the intricacies of PhoneGap app development. From choosing the right technology stack to deciding on the optimal approach for your project, we're here to steer your vision to success.

The Advantages of PhoneGap Application Development

01 Simple PhoneGap application development simplifies the process of mobile app creation. By using languages like HTML, CSS3, and JavaScript, it provides a straightforward and accessible entry point for programmers, eliminating the need for mastering multiple programming languages
02 Adaptable PhoneGap is extremely adaptable, allowing programmers to write a single codebase that works seamlessly across multiple platforms such as Android, iOS, and Blackberry. This adaptability accelerates timelines and ensures consistent functionality
03 Thriving The thriving community of PhoneGap developers continually contributes to its growth, providing a wealth of resources, plugins, and support that keep the platform up-to-date and innovative
04 Streamlined PhoneGap offers a streamlined development process. Its unified codebase approach means that programmers can make changes swiftly and maintain applications more effectively
05 Cost-efficient Opting for PhoneGap app development proves to be cost-efficient as businesses can avoid the high costs associated with building separate applications for different platforms, thus maximizing the ROI
06 Universal PhoneGap's universal nature ensures that the applications created are not limited to any single device or operating system. This cross-platform compatibility extends the reach of applications to a wider audience, benefiting businesses across various industries

PhoneGap development process
Customer Request
We start by analyzing your request
Defining All System Requirements
To ensure a seamless process, our team meticulously outlines all system requirements. This phase involves a comprehensive study of the project's scope, including platform compatibility, UI/UX requirements, and functional specifications
Detailed Specs and Estimates
We provide precise specs, timelines, and cost estimates for clarity
Team Composition
Evrone assembles a dedicated team of skilled PhoneGap programmers and project managers tailored to the unique needs of your project
Active Development
Our team dives into the process, ensuring your app takes shape efficiently
QA and Testing
Rigorous testing ensures your app's flawless performance
Your PhoneGap app is delivered on time and budget
After-Release Support
We offer ongoing support to ensure your app continues to excel post-launch

Why Choose Us?

Evrone stands out as a preferred choice for businesses seeking impeccable PhoneGap app development. With a team of seasoned professionals at the helm, we bring over 15 years of experience in delivering high-quality software solutions. Our proficiency guarantees predictability in the software development lifecycle, enabling us to meet deadlines and stick to set budgets, thereby offering our clients significant cost savings. The quality and expertise we imbue in our projects are reflected in our complex delivery experience, having successfully completed over 2000 projects. Our global footprint is expansive, with more than 100 satisfied clients worldwide trusting us for their Cordova mobile app development needs. Choosing Evrone means opting for a reliable partner committed to transforming your vision into reality.

Industries Served

Client stories
I learned a lot in the past year, working with to explore using new cross-platform frameworks like Flutter (including contributing an audio recording module to the community), design language, and flows. We decided to use a Firebase backend with Google’s speech recognition API. The Evrone team introduced me to a broad swath of design tools and process like Trello, Zeplin, Loom, Marvel, InVision, and more.
David E. Weekly
Founder & CEO, — App to record & share doctor chats
medcorder developed a web-based platform that allows users to connect, ask and answer questions, and integrate with social media. Users are giving positive feedback and are happy with the process of getting involved. 
Erez Naveh
Co-Founder & VP,, Yallo
Revo Technologies thanks you for your cooperation. It has been a great pleasure to work with you on joint projects. We are grateful to your team for their professionalism, that they take their job seriously and strive to achieve quality results without breaking deadlines.
Evgeniy Fokin
CIO, — Fintech company joined the project just before the deadline was around the corner. We had only 4 months for develop the product that was just listed on a separate papers. Engineering team boosted development quickly and participated actively in improvements of mobile app. As a result — the product has been released in time with all functionalities onboard. We are happy to continue our cooperation.
Olga Eremenko
CEO, — Blockchain-based medical platform
We love Vexor and use it for our open source projects on GitHub. We appreciate the platform as it allows us to build tools and we also enjoy the new container infrastructure for speedier builds.
Anton Mozgovoy
CTO, — Blockchain platform and mobile financial app


What makes PhoneGap mobile development a preferred choice?
PhoneGap mobile development is favored for its simplicity, cost-efficiency, and the ability to create cross-platform applications using a single codebase.
Can you outline the advantages of opting for Cordova?
Utilizing Cordova for mobile app development offers benefits such as cross-platform compatibility, a streamlined development process, and access to native device functionalities.
What sets Evrone apart when it comes to developing using the PhoneGap framework?
Choosing Evrone for PhoneGap framework development ensures a blend of experience, a team of professionals, cost-saving solutions, and a successful track record of over 2000 completed projects.
How does Apache Cordova compare to React Native in terms of efficacy?
While both Apache Cordova and React Native facilitate cross-platform development, their approaches differ. Cordova uses web technologies, whereas React Native allows for closer native performance.
Can you clarify the distinctions between Apache Cordova and PhoneGap?
Apache Cordova and PhoneGap essentially refer to the same platform; however, PhoneGap is Adobe's distribution of the open-source Cordova, often including additional tools and services.
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