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Android App Development Company

As a leading custom Android development company with over 14 years of experience, Evrone leverages deep industry expertise to deliver exceptional project results. Our team of 20+ dedicated developers work hard to ensure that every client receives the efficient, cost-effective, and high-quality solution that they need.

We understand the Android ecosystem and will ensure that your app offers your users high-performance and seamless compatibility across all versions and devices, from smartphones to tablets to TV.

Thanks to our streamlined, established development process, you can be confident that your project will be meticulously planned, with an emphasis on thoughtful, user-friendly design and rigorous quality assurance. When you partner with Evrone, you’ll get a future-proof app that utilizes powerful modern technologies to satisfy user preferences and industry demands.

What Android app development services do we offer?

We have knowledge and experience across a wide variety of Android app development services, including:

UX/UI Mobile Application Design

An exceptional user experience (UX) and captivating user interface (UI) are essential for your app’s success, and our talented designers can skillfully build intuitive, visually appealing mobile designs that maximize user engagement and satisfaction.

Native Android Application Development

With our in-depth knowledge of native development tools, your users can enjoy a native application that takes full advantage of the Android ecosystem, offering high-performance and seamless integration across all devices.

Cross-Platform Development

We also offer cross-platform development, using frameworks like Flutter and React Native, to cost-effectively get your app in the hands of more users. With cross-platform development, you’ll get a project that runs smoothly and provides a consistent user experience on both Android and iOS platforms, saving you time and money.

Backend & Web Application Development

Our backend team can build robust APIs, databases, and web applications to support your project, and our expertise in web development allows us to create scalable, efficient server-side solutions that seamlessly integrate with your app.

Android Software Testing

Our dedicated QA team uses a wide range of modern techniques and tools to ensure the quality and reliability of your project. From functional testing to performance optimization to user acceptance testing, we cover all the bases to deliver a smooth, bug-free user experience.

Android App Support

A partnership with us means that we won’t disappear after delivery. We’ll continue to provide ongoing support and maintenance services for your project, including bug fixes, updates, and feature enhancements to keep your app secure, useful, and up-to-date.

We offer a comprehensive suite of services to transform your idea into a fully functional, high-quality solution that your users will love.

Android App Development Across Industries

Every industry has its own unique pain points, needs, and goals when it comes to development, and we tailor our services to meet your individual business requirements. Our expertise spans a variety of industries, including:

Our Android app development process
Here's a breakdown of our general development process, which we follow for all projects:
Customer Request
We gather all relevant details and requirements to fully understand the scope of the project
Detailed Specs & Cost Estimates
We create detailed specs outlining the project scope, timeline, and cost estimates
Prototyping and UX/UI Design
We create prototypes and design mockups to provide a visual representation of the final product
Frontend & Backend Development
Our process involves both frontend and backend development
We conduct thorough testing to ensure that the product is fully functional and meets all requirements
Once the product has passed all testing and quality assurance checks, we deliver the final product to the customer
We also provide maintenance and support services to ensure that the product remains fully functional and up-to-date

Why choose us?

Thanks to our extensive experience, we can provide software lifecycle predictability and transparency throughout the development process. When you partner with us, you get access to our 14+ years of expertise, saving you time and money on development — without sacrificing quality.

Our track record speaks for itself, with over 2,000 successfully completed projects for more than 100 clients around the world, and we are committed to delivering exceptional results. We work closely with each and every client to ensure that their product will meet their unique needs and exceed their expectations, and we are well-prepared to take on your most complex challenges.

Client stories
I learned a lot in the past year, working with to explore using new cross-platform frameworks like Flutter (including contributing an audio recording module to the community), design language, and flows. We decided to use a Firebase backend with Google’s speech recognition API. The Evrone team introduced me to a broad swath of design tools and process like Trello, Zeplin, Loom, Marvel, InVision, and more.
David E. Weekly
Founder & CEO, — App to record & share doctor chats
medcorder developed a web-based platform that allows users to connect, ask and answer questions, and integrate with social media. Users are giving positive feedback and are happy with the process of getting involved. 
Erez Naveh
Co-Founder & VP,, Yallo
Revo Technologies thanks you for your cooperation. It has been a great pleasure to work with you on joint projects. We are grateful to your team for their professionalism, that they take their job seriously and strive to achieve quality results without breaking deadlines.
Evgeniy Fokin
CIO, — Fintech company joined the project just before the deadline was around the corner. We had only 4 months for develop the product that was just listed on a separate papers. Engineering team boosted development quickly and participated actively in improvements of mobile app. As a result — the product has been released in time with all functionalities onboard. We are happy to continue our cooperation.
Olga Eremenko
CEO, — Blockchain-based medical platform
We love Vexor and use it for our open source projects on GitHub. We appreciate the platform as it allows us to build tools and we also enjoy the new container infrastructure for speedier builds.
Anton Mozgovoy
CTO, — Blockchain platform and mobile financial app

FAQ about custom Android app development

What is the cost of developing an Android app?
The costs vary depending on the complexity, requested features, and design requirements. However, we offer flexible engagement models and provide detailed, transparent quotes to ensure that your product meets your needs and fits your budget.
Does Evrone offer support and maintenance for Android apps?
Yes, we provide ongoing, comprehensive support and maintenance services to ensure reliable performance, fix bugs, deliver updates, and enhance features.
What experience do you have in Android app development for specific industries?
Our experience spans a wide range of industries, including automotive, retail and e-commerce, real estate, healthcare, on-demand services, music streaming, reviews and ratings, insurance, travel and hospitality, sports, and more. Our solutions are designed to fit each industry’s specific needs and provide an exceptional user experience.
Which company is best for Android application development?
The best company is the one that can efficiently meet your specific needs and preferences. As an industry leader, we have a proven track record and extensive experience creating cost-effective, high-quality solutions, and we are fully committed to client satisfaction.
What are the advantages of Android app development services?
They allow businesses to access the vast user base with a customized solution designed for easy integration across all platforms and devices. This enables them to harness the power of the latest technologies, boost customer engagement, and drive revenue growth.
How does Evrone approach Android app development?
Our streamlined approach to development prioritizes extensive planning, meticulous design, Agile development methodologies, rigorous quality assurance, and continuous client collaboration. We focus on providing a user-centric experience, optimizing performance, and seamless integration with the Android ecosystem to maximize quality and functionality.
Which tools and technologies do you use for Android app development?

Our team is well-versed in the latest industry-leading tools and technologies, including development frameworks such as Android Studio and Flutter, version control systems like Git, and the robust libraries and APIs provided by the Android platform. We value continuous learning and growth to ensure that we can utilize the most suitable tools and techniques to deliver efficient, innovative solutions.

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