How to hire a Node.JS developer

Node.js, or simply Node, is a software platform based on the V8 engine. This engine translates JavaScript into machine code. Node.js turns JavaScript from a highly specialized language into a general-purpose tool. It gives JavaScript the ability to interact with input/output devices through its API (written in C ++), to connect other external libraries written in different languages, providing calls to them from JavaScript code. Node is used mainly on the server, acting as a web server. However, it is possible to develop desktop window applications with Node.js, using NW.js, AppJS or Electron for Linux, Windows and macOS. Node.js can even be used to program microcontrollers, for example, tessel and espruino. Node.js is based on event-driven and asynchronous (or reactive) programming with non-blocking I/O.

While Node is quite a young solution, it already has a massive number of high-profile users, including:

  • Microsoft
  • LinkedIn
  • Netflix
  • PayPal
  • IBM
  • Rakuten (formerly Ebates)
  • Groupon
  • Yahoo!
  • Walmart

Why do we like Node?

  • Scalability - this key feature allows developers to easily scale apps, both horizontally and vertically.
  • High performance -  since Node.js is based on the V8 engine, it offers excellent performance by converting JavaScript code into machine code.
  • Full Stack JS - Node can be considered a full stack version of JavaScript, used for both client and server-side applications. You don’t have to hire a separate JS developer if you have a Node developer.
  • Caching - Node.js features single module caching, so the developer doesn’t have to re-execute the piece of the program. This allows for faster apps and sites.
  • Extensions - Node is very extensible, and there are a wide variety of pre-made extensions for customizing and creating tools.

What tools do good Node.js developers need?

If you are looking to hire Node developers, you’ll need a good understanding of the expected Node.js developer’s skills and tools. Let’s start with the IDE. Node.js is basically a JS, one of the most popular programming languages in the world. So, the IDEs list for Node is quite impressive and includes:

  • Cloud 9
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • WebStorm
  • Komodo IDE
  • Koding
  • Eclipse

The primary Node.js developer’s tools are:

  • Express.js - a comprehensive web app framework that provides everything you need to create web or mobile applications. It can also be used to create custom APIs.
  • Meteor - another framework that can script cross-platform code, including Android, iOS, and web. It offers integrated support for the popular MongoDB and can cut down the size of your code ten times.
  • Keystone - another framework that can be used for database-driven websites, applications, and APIs.
  • Babel - a transcompiler that is mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backward-compatible version of JavaScript that can be run by older JavaScript engines.
  • Webpack - a module builder for JavaScript, that can also be used with Node.

Why hire Node.js developers from Evrone?

If you need to hire Node.js developers, you have a few different options to choose from. You can try to find and hire an in-house or freelance developer on your own. However, there are a lot of self-proclaimed “coders” on the market, who lack the required skills to develop your project. Finding a real Node.js developer for hire isn’t an easy task. You should also be aware that even a skilled professional won’t be able to accomplish much on their own. Your project will require the combined efforts of a full team. In addition to the extra salaries, taxes, and office expenses, you may spend up to six months assembling a team of verified professionals, only to find out that they don’t actually work well together as a team.

When you don’t have the budget or the time to hire an in-house team, using an outsourcing company can be a good solution. If you are looking to hire a Node.js development company, Evrone is a great choice. We were founded over ten years ago, so we aren’t a small startup. Our team is made up of around 150 professionals that can handle any IT-related tasks. We have offices around the world, in San Francisco, Berlin, and Moscow.

We support some open-source Node.js projects and develop successful Node projects for our clients: Humaniq, Authentica, Cryptopay and Kinderlime.

Evrone engagement model & hiring process

Evrone uses Agile as the basis of our software development process, as it is advantageous to both us and our clients. It allows you stay up-to-date on what is currently being done on your project, why it is being done that way, and what benefits it will bring.

Developing software is complicated, but the whole process can be divided into different stages: planning, analysis, design, development, and QA. Different stages require different specialists, and each stage can be broken down into planning, meetings, and a demo. Planning and meetings are carried out internally, but you or your representative will be present for demos. Releases may be adjusted to meet your needs, but in most cases, we insist on per-iteration releases.

Hiring process
Client request
Reach out to us and share your idea, technical requirements and details
Project requirements discussion
We study your request and specification closely, and come up with a proposal
Choosing the engagement model
We suggest several engagement models and determine the most convenient one
Project roadmap
We define the key steps and form a project development roadmap
Team allocation
We allocate all the necessary specialists for your project and form your team
Contract sign-off
Once satisfied, we sign the contract and start the project
Kicking off the project
We start the development and move towards the project release and delivery together

Cost of Node.js Development

At this point, you’re probably wondering how much Node.js developers cost. We’ve already covered why finding Node.js developers for hire and assembling an in-house team is a very complicated, expensive process. If you need to hire Node.js engineers, Evrone is a stress-free, more budget-friendly option. You’ll gain a team of true professionals who work well together and produce results. Instead of spending half a year assembling a team, you’ll be able to start development of your project right away.

If you want results, without the unnecessary hassle, time, and expenses, Evrone is a great option for you. Let us know how we can contact you, and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.


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