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mHealth App Development Company

eHealth applications are considered vital resources in the healthcare industry. They can generate significant benefits by improving patient care and increasing providers' productivity. Evrone, a company specializing in mobile development, is one of the top providers of custom healthcare applications.

We are expert healthcare mobile medical app developers who have been crafting mobile apps for healthcare sector personnel and patients alike.

Adherence to medical compliance should never be neglected. That is why, being aware of the significance of data security and patients’ privacy for each and every mhealth application development project we undertake, we adhere to the strictest requirements, including FDA, HIPAA, and EHR. As one of the leading custom health app development companies, we understand that clients entrust their applications to us to get not only innovative but also secure and reliable solutions.

Our Comprehensive eHealth Application Development Services

When developing an eHealth app, two quite different fields — medical and technical — are involved, and the need for a partner who comprehends the given conditions is evident. At Evrone, we offer a whole specter of services that guarantee that our clients always receive the most efficient solution.

mHealth Mobile App Consulting & Development
Custom MHealth app development is a delicate process involving experts' services, and this is exactly what we provide. Our approach involves understanding the characteristics of the healthcare industry, developing interfaces according to the users’ requirements, and integrating new functionalities to engage the target audience and deliver better outcomes
Healthcare Mobile Application Support
We guarantee that the applications we develop for our clients are relevant in today’s market, as we offer the best support services. It is always a pleasure to help you solve problems and improve the effectiveness of your healthcare mobile applications
Medical Mobile App Upgrade & Modernization
Knowing that complacency leads to obsolescence, our mobile health app developers always update the app. We introduce new diagnostic tools and treatment simulators and perfect the user interface to suit modern users and medical practices

In-Demand Features in eHealth App Development

Here are the essential features that we explore further:

EHR/EMR Integration
The patient’s information should be clear. We concentrate on integrating Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records to make sure that data can be easily shared between the systems.
Moving away from paper should be the norm. Our solutions allow doctors to send prescriptions to pharmacists directly, which increases efficiency and minimizes the chances of making a mistake.
Payments & Insurance
We simplify transactions by including safe payment gateways and insurance claims processing for smooth and safe transactions.
Video Conferencing
Telehealth can be defined as a form of virtual care. We integrate high-quality video conferencing features so that communication between the patient and the doctor is not interrupted.
They help remind patients of appointments, medication-taking time, or the need to review the treatment. We integrate notifications that enable patients and their doctors to be informed.
Providers are offered detailed and useful reports through simplified and understandable dashboards to improve healthcare services.
PHI Safeguards
Patient Health Information can be viewed only by those with a right to access it.
Image/Video Recognition
With the use of AI, we introduce image and video recognition to improve problem identification.
Symptom Checker and Virtual Triage
Customers can use the applications to check their symptoms and predict the initial diagnosis before approaching a doctor.
Appointment Scheduling and Reminders
We assist in developing solutions for scheduling appointments.
Telehealth Capabilities
Our services encompass the management of patients via telecommunication and the use of individualized and virtual treatment plans, thus creating a new level of healthcare.
Health Tracking & Analytics
Our apps provide individuals with a professional means of monitoring and regulating essential aspects of their lives, keeping records of medication and treatment, and providing information on their health condition.
Health Education Knowledge Base
Education empowers patients. Our apps are filled with credible information, so the patient is in a position to know what is right.
API-driven Architecture
Our applications are developed using the API-driven architecture, which allows them to connect with other services and tools to create the most suitable healthcare management systems.

Become a leader in eHealth and improve patients' health with our custom medical application development. We will help you make your medical dreams come true!

Our Diverse Mobile Health App Solutions

Our developers focus on the different types of mobile health applications, which you may need depending on the situation:

Patient-Focused Applications
These apps focus on the end-users needs and are intended to improve the patient experience by offering services such as symptom monitoring, medical diagnosis, and health data management
Apps for Medical Practitioners
They are suitable for doctors, nurses, and other healthcare personnel as they make it convenient to access patients’ information, management protocols, and processes
Solutions for Healthcare Institutions
We develop applications specific to healthcare centers, hospitals, and clinics to improve efficiency and patients’ care and services
Telemedicine Application Development
Telehealth solutions break geographical barriers and enable patients to consult, diagnose, and treat remotely, helping them to get the services they require
Analytical Monitoring Mobile Solutions
These apps are based on real-time health information so that the user and the caregiver can learn about the user's health status by using stats and other diagnostic parameters and trends
Pharmacy & Medication Management Tools
The apps can assist in monitoring and recording medication consumption, ordering refills, and even communicating with pharmacies for complete medication management

Our Clientele: Diverse Partners in Healthcare

Here's a snapshot of the wide-ranging clientele we proudly serve:

  • Hospitals

Hospitals trust us to improve patient care, management, and the digitalization of their organizations.

  • Health Systems

We partner with health systems and integrate digital technologies to improve patient care, data, and resource management.

  • Outpatient Care Facilities

We create applications that assist the outpatient care centers in managing their appointments, the patients they serve, and the treatments given.

  • Pharmacies

Pharmacies also receive services in medicine stock management, electronic prescriptions, and customer relations.

  • Laboratories

The diagnostic and research laboratories utilize our applications for tracking samples, generating reports, and communicating with other healthcare institutions.

  • Private Practices

We help individual doctors and specialists to manage their activities, schedules, patients’ data, and treatments.

  • Telehealth Providers

We improve the productivity of telehealth providers by providing better-quality virtual consultations, remote diagnostics, and patient relations assistance.

  • Corporate Health Programs

Organizations concerned about their employees' health use the applications we develop for health screening, wellness, and health improvement.

  • MedTech Startups

The clients we have work in the MedTech industry and are the business forerunners who come to us to develop their ideas.

Custom medical app development process
Customer Request
We gather the objectives of the healthcare application as defined by the clients
Defining All System Requirements
The project’s specifics to determine the key features and necessary integrations, and the technical solution that complies with both medical and IT standards
Detailed, Development-Ready Specs
They show the app's layout, functions, and look, making sure the time and money are well estimated
Frontend/Backend Development
While developing software, our specialists also design an appealing, easy-to-use interface. Data management and storage are also best done at the backend — beauty with brains
QA and Testing
Quality experts conduct tests to make sure the app works properly and securely and provides a good user interface
After all the mentioned phases and testing, the final app is usable and delivered to the client
After-Release Support
We update the app and make it relevant to the healthcare field

Technology Stack for custom medical application development

The technology stack is the most crucial factor in the app development process because it lays out the foundation for the app’s functionality, expansion, and dependability. At Evrone, we employ a diverse range of advanced technologies tailored to meet the distinct requirements of healthcare applications:

Why choose Evrone?

Our healthcare application development company's great reputation in the sphere of eHealth app development is the result of hard work and the drive for change in the last 10+ years. We are fortunate to have such a long history that helps us guarantee accurate software lifecycle predictability; all the projects are completed on time.

Customers also appreciate us for using innovative measures to reduce costs while still maintaining high standards. Our expertise is validated by complex delivery experiences that have sharpened our skills over the years.

Looking at our history of more than 250 successfully implemented projects it is possible to see our impact on the market. The services that we offer have been utilized by more than 150 clients across the globe. We don’t only promise, we deliver. It is our great pleasure to introduce our company; it has been our bliss and passion to build a better world in the health sector!


Do all the medical apps need to follow the HIPAA guidelines?
Not every medical app needs to be HIPAA compliant, but if an application deals with, stores, or transmits PHI in any way, it must be HIPAA compliant to protect users’ data.
How can you develop a healthcare app successfully within the budget during the first attempt?
It is crucial to understand the necessity of proper preparation in the initial phase of the project, clearly state the objectives, and select a reliable healthcare mobile app development company like Evrone to prevent the mistake of numerous cycles of iterations.
Can a telemedicine application be developed quickly?
There are frameworks and templates that can be employed in the development, but the most critical one is the actual utilization of available technologies and platforms alongside having the fundamental knowledge of the telemedicine functions.
What is often missed when designing IoT medical applications?
The integration of real-time data synchronization and the consistency of user-friendliness across different devices are usually overlooked in the development of IoT medical apps.
What is the recommended way of integrating a health app with an Epic EHR/EMR?
The integration will be less problematic based on the API-based architecture and the knowledge of Epic EHR/EMR's data flow requirements.
How can I improve the security of the healthcare application?
Some of the ways that can be put in place to strengthen the security of the app include using end-to-end encryption, auditing code periodically for vulnerabilities, and adhering to international best practices on security.
How much does it cost to develop a mHealth application?
Pricing is based on the features and integrations available plus the selected platform. For the precise cost of developing a mHealth app, it is better to turn to a reliable mHealth app developers and development company such as Evrone.
How do health apps differ from mHealth solutions?
Though both are developed for the health niche, health apps are mainly used to provide health and wellness information. On the other hand, mHealth solutions are more comprehensive in the sense that they include diagnostic and therapeutic functions as well as communication with healthcare organizations.
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