How our company got a bear
Three years ago a part of our brand identity — the Ruby Bear — was born in Evrone. During this time a lot of different things happened to him, he traveled around the world, threw birthday parties, turned into Santa Claus, made a lot of friends and became our obvious favorite. The time has come, (as the loose paraphrasing of the Walrus, in L. Carroll poem goes) to show its incredible adventures.
Four years ago, our Ruby Bear was born at Evrone and became a core part of our brand identity. This story highlights his journey, from global travels to hosting events and evolving into beloved personas like Santa Claus. Ruby Bear symbolizes our brand's spirit and adventures.
The bear
We have a brand book that includes names, typography, graphics, logos, and a color palette. On its basis, we create the materials, related to the company's activities. At a certain point, we realized that our presentations for developers at conferences neither exhibited enough warmth and nor presented a symbolic image.
We decided to make sure that the company’s attributes did not just reflect the corporate identity, but had to become more vivid and capture attention so that people would not just glance at our name, but get curious enough to inquire further.
In 2017, we opened an office in San Francisco and wanted to create an image that would be associated with Russia. That is how a mechanical bear with a ruby appeared. Ruby is a symbol of our core technology, the Ruby language, and the bear is a kind of greeting from mother Russia.

The symbolism that sells
The bear immediately put us in the market. The character began to live in different forms: T-shirts, stickers, various souvenirs.
Every year Evrone hosts the RubyRussia conference in Moscow. It is attended by around 600 Ruby developers. Members of our team come from all over the country. For each of us, we made a sweatshirt and a T-shirt with the image of the bear. Our colleagues started to come asking where they can buy a T-shirt with a bear print. We did not plan on this. What a successful idea turned it out to be: people want to buy a T-shirt with the logo of a company they do not work for but want to wear it, perhaps even in their places of business. The bear went to the USA and wandered through the desert, where the Burning Man festival takes place.

The bear came to Moscow for the company's birthday, and we decided to show how cute it would have been if we had had it at the time of the founding of Evrone.
We sent our employees the postcards and invited friends to the anniversary celebrations. Having left the strict corporate party and having remained in the office, the teddy bear began to prepare for the New Year’s holidays.
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We didn't want to give our partners a conventional postcard with a bottle of cognac. We prepared a set of chocolates, wine in our branded packaged tube container and an envelope with a vinyl music disk for the celebration.Among the thousands of discs from several stores, we have selected old, but well-preserved classical records.

After the holidays, we received many reviews of our gifts. They said that they were happy with the wine, the kids with the chocolate, and the tube was used to keep somethings in it. Several people thanked us for encouraging them to realize their dream, for which they, previously, could not find enough time: to buy a vinyl record player.
Over the past three years, our Ruby bear has assembled a fan club, and the company's employees are collecting everything associated with it. We hope that the bear will appear more than once on our brand attributes. team is very bold and talented. I love working with them as they are knowledgeable and educated, and that’s why we have a long-term successful ongoing partnership.