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Django Development Company

Evrone is one of the leading Django web development companies. Our objective is to offer efficient and personalized services to each client, and we have assisted various organizations in reaching their goals.

What is Django?

It is a Python-based web framework through which developers can design and implement robust web applications and websites in minimum time. The framework includes an Object-Relational Mapping system, a simple-to-use CMS, and integrated testing options.

Because of its flexibility, it is helpful for both large and small projects, leading to positive returns for an organization’s information technology investments. Websites such as Instagram, Pinterest, Disqus, and others are using it to improve the consumer experience of millions of users.

Our Django Web Development Services

Are you looking for a Python Django development company or agency to build your outstanding project? Contact us right now, and we will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss how we can help you build your dream solution!

Our services extend to a variety of solutions, including:

Django CMS Development
We assist you in building a useful and easy-to-navigate application that helps you moderate the content of your website.
Django Support and Maintenance
You will not have to worry about issues such as hacking, an application that is no longer updated, or even an app that is not functioning correctly due to updates and bug fixes.
Django for MVPs
Entrepreneurs and startups enjoy accelerated MVP development and direct their time to generating ideas and introducing products into the market.
Django Web Development
We help you from the project's initiation to the final product, resulting in a secure and scalable web application that enables you to meet your business needs.
Django eCommerce Application Services
We develop stylish and user-friendly web-based e-commerce applications using Django that help you increase your sales.
Custom Django Python Development
Our Django and Python custom development services help you create a solution that addresses your business requirements.

The Advantages of the Python & Django Framework

The robust framework offers numerous benefits for projects, including:

Accelerated Time-to-Market
Django offers a high level of abstraction and many features incorporated into it. This boosts development, and you can use the framework's many pre-developed components and libraries to create your product and enter the market to out-compete your rivals in the industry
Cutting-Edge Security
It also has security features that can help you prevent the application from clickjacking, cross-site scripting, and other data-focused attacks. We also make sure that we do not compromise and use the best and latest measures possible when it comes to application security
Microservices-Based Architecture
This architecture also increases the scalability of your application by decomposing it into several microservices. Each service can be developed, maintained, extended, or reduced independently of the others
Better Maintainability
The code is clean and clear, and the project is based on a powerful ORM that makes future changes affordable
Scalability Under Heavy Loads
When it comes to application development, applications can easily be scaled up to accommodate a large number of users, so that it does not affect their performance in any way

Empowering Diverse Industries

Our team can deliver versatile, custom solutions to suit a wide range of business and industry needs, including:

Tailorable Digital Products Integrating the Django framework in the creation of digital products allows for the development of complex systems that can easily be expanded to accommodate the increasing needs of customers, thus giving consumers trustworthy products and protecting their information Cutting-Edge Financial Platforms Platforms that can be built using Django can help financial organizations make the right decisions at the right time and with the right data analysis abilities and calculations Real Estate Solutions The Django framework is especially useful in real estate applications that evaluate properties to set the right prices. We have previously built solutions for property listing with integrated search engine optimization, and we bring your site's look and layout to perfection Booking Systems and E-commerce Products Django is also suitable for multi-booking and ecommerce websites, and even during the maximum load, it prevents problems that could interfere with the functionality of the website and its visitors Social Media and Streaming Solutions Django can be implemented to build different features of social media applications and streaming services, making sure that the user interface is as good as possible and encouraging use Diverse Industries The framework should not be limited to the above areas; it is also used in health, insurance, logistics, sales, training, and many other areas. Based on your business's specifics, our experienced team will assist in determining the best way to implement Django in your case

Django REST Framework for Apps: APIs with Unmatched Customizability

Django REST Framework (DRF) is a robust API development tool that can help elevate your applications. It is famous for its features, API explorer, and users' ability to modify its interface.

Distinctive Features
The basic components of DRF include the serialization layer, which enables data representation, request authentication, request handling, and more. It can be integrated with any Django project, and developers can quickly and easily build and deploy the API.
API Explorer
The DRF comes with a simple and ready-to-use API Explorer that assists in testing APIs and their interactions with other resources. It is easy to use, and developers can easily navigate through the endpoints to perform create, read, update, and delete operations. This is good for the development process as there is good coordination between the frontend and backend.
Highly Customizable
Due to the flexibility that comes with DRF, you can create APIs that are required in the project, map APIs to business logic, and create a great user interface.

Evrone's Success 

We have implemented many Django projects for customers in different countries and fields. We build robust, scalable, and faster web applications with the support of a pool of professional developers. We use modern strategies and techniques to offer our services to start-ups, small businesses, big businesses, and everyone in between. 

For instance, we built a highly effective on-demand salary payout service for Dengi Vperyod, with the backend in Python and FastAPI and the frontend in React. This service helps workers obtain their salaries faster and also forms automated credit scoring and personal financial management.

Furthermore, the project with the East Mining Company involved designing a new logistics system for routing and visualization of the movement of large mining trucks. This was done using Django and the Django Rest Framework on the backend, and the effective routes and fuel consumption optimization improved the company’s operations’ efficiency.

In the case of Pirelli, we have built an improved data processing system to improve the production line. This web-based application, which has the backend developed using Django and the frontend developed using React, enables Pirelli to monitor and assess the production data in real time, boosting production efficiency and the decision-making process.

These projects depict our level of competency in embracing and developing a Django application that has the potential to be adopted in many fields. Evrone can provide you with proficient Django web development services, enabling you to create remarkable projects with beautiful user interfaces!


Should I use Django for my project?
Absolutely! It is one of the most versatile web platforms, compatible with almost all types of projects, from small websites to large-scale commerce websites. It is suitable for any project, irrespective of the scope, for the following reasons: it has numerous libraries and is very secure and flexible.
What are the benefits of cooperation with Evrone's Django developers?
Our Django web development company members are qualified, competent, and, most importantly, professional to the core. We offer individual approaches and rapid MVP development, focusing on the project’s compliance with the existing security requirements. That is why, with our high-quality support and maintenance services, you can be confident that you made the right choice by addressing Evrone for your project.
What does Django software development mean?
In the case of Django software development, developers design the web application, website, or other products with the aid of the named framework. Django has the following: Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), an Administration Interface, an authentication system, and many libraries that are used to develop robust applications that are easy to scale up.
Which applications have you created with the help of the Django Web framework?
At Evrone, we have used it to construct CMS, social media platforms, online shopping carts, estate agent platforms, online booking services, and many others. These projects, as well as many others from our portfolio, are good examples of how we use Django and how driven we are.
Why is Django preferred as a web framework over Ruby on Rails?
Ruby on Rails is a good framework for web-based applications and is advisable for certain types of applications. However, Django is widely preferred because it is flexible, provides enough security, and is also compatible with Python libraries.
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