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Best Programming Languages to Build a Website in 2024

Navigating the ever-changing landscape of web development requires a strategic choice in programming languages, vital for unlocking the full potential of any project. As 2024 unfolds, we witness a transformative array of web development languages, each suited to meet various needs.

January 2024 10 mins

In this article, I analyze the most popular programming languages for 2024, based on trends, community support, and industry demand. We offer insights into why these languages are favored by developers and how they are shaping the future of software development.

Whether it's for crafting visually appealing websites or developing robust backend systems, the programming language selected plays a crucial role in determining the efficiency, functionality, and user experience of web solutions. This article will provide insights into the top 10 programming languages for web development, aiding in the intricate decision-making process to find the most suitable language for your project.

Top 10 Web Development Languages of 2024

The digital realm of 2024 showcases a diverse collection of programming languages, each distinguished by its unique strengths and areas of specialization. This segment offers a comprehensive overview of the top 10 web development languages, categorized into two main sectors: backend and frontend.

"What is the best programming language for web development?" — this question often arises among developers and is crucial in this context. We begin by exploring the backend languages, the driving force behind server-side web application operations, responsible for the core functionality and logic essential for the seamless operation of websites.

Backend Languages


Python distinguishes itself with its celebrated simplicity and clarity. This language is noted for its adaptability, making it a standout choice as the language to develop a website.

  • Adaptability and clarity. Python is a high-level programming language, designed with a focus on straightforwardness and ease of understanding.
  • Web development and data processing. It is extensively applied in the creation of web applications.
  • Efficient development. Python is optimal for fast programming. It is supported by powerful platforms known for their superior database integration and ability to grow.

The widespread appeal of Python development services is largely due to its approachable and user-centric design, rendering it an ideal selection for both novice and experienced programmers. That’s why it’s often regarded as the best programming language for creating websites.


PHP, an integral part of the web development ecosystem, is celebrated for its widespread use and flexibility.

  • Open-source scripting. A popular open-source scripting language, often considered as the best programming language for making websites that can be seamlessly integrated with various CMS.
  • Dynamic web pages and CMS. Best suited for e-commerce sites, WordPress, and custom web applications.
  • Interactive web development. Known for dynamic web page creation, offering strong database management and community support.

PHP's enduring relevance in web development is a testament to its adaptability and effectiveness in creating dynamic websites.


Java's robust and time-tested capabilities make it a top contender for developing complex and large-scale web applications.

  • Object-oriented and secure approach. Concentrates on reusability, reliability, and portability.
  • Suitable for corporate and large-scale systems. Optimal for enterprise-level applications, Android development, and extensive systems.
  • Stable and scalable development. Distinguished by its stability, scalability, and cross-platform functionality, fitting for complex web applications.

Java's reliability and efficiency have kept it at the forefront of web development, especially for large-scale projects, underlining its status as a go-to coding language for website building.


C#, with its strong ties to Microsoft's .NET framework, offers a structured approach to building dynamic and robust web applications, establishing itself as a preferred language to code a website.

  • Microsoft integration and productivity. Closely integrated with the .NET framework, enhancing development efficiency.
  • Enterprise solutions and gaming. Used in enterprise solutions, gaming, and rich web applications.
  • Structured and scalable web solutions. Excels in creating dynamic websites and applications with a comprehensive set of tools and libraries.

C#'s appeal lies in its organized framework, making it a go-to for developers in the .NET environment seeking scalability and structure.


Ruby, known for its elegance and the Ruby on Rails framework, is a favorite in the startup world for its rapid development capabilities, as a language to build a website.

  • Elegant syntax and Ruby on Rails framework. Offers an elegant syntax coupled with the powerful Ruby on Rails.
  • Startups and Agile development. Ideal for e-commerce, CMS, and custom database solutions.
  • Quick and efficient development. Known for its quick development approach, focusing on convention over configuration.

Ruby's developer-friendly environment continues to make it a popular choice among developers focused on efficient and high-quality web application development. For more insights and services related to Ruby, explore our Ruby development services.

As we transition from the server to the client side, let's explore the frontend languages that play a pivotal role in shaping the user's experience on the web.

Frontend Languages

Frontend development is the art of creating the user-facing side of websites, combining aesthetics with functionality. In 2024, the frontend landscape is vibrant and diverse, offering a variety of languages and frameworks to build interactive and visually appealing web interfaces. Let’s explore the key players in this domain and understand how the best frontend coding languages for web development contribute to the overall user experience and design of websites.


HTML and CSS are the foundational pillars of web design, essential for structuring and styling web pages.

  • Foundation of web pages. HTML provides the basic structure, while CSS adds style to create visually engaging web pages.
  • Essential for web design. Together, they form the backbone of frontend development, crucial for any web project.
  • Key role in user interface design. They play a key role in user interface design, ensuring websites are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

The combination of HTML and CSS is indispensable in web development, setting the stage for more complex interactions and designs.


JavaScript, the scripting powerhouse, is central to making web pages dynamic and interactive.

  • Dynamic web interactions. Enables interactive features on websites, enhancing user engagement.
  • Versatility across browsers. Widely supported by all browsers, it’s a staple for frontend development.
  • Foundation for frameworks. Serves as the base for numerous frontend frameworks, expanding its capabilities in web development.

JavaScript's versatility makes it a fundamental tool for developers aiming to create responsive and interactive web experiences.


React, a JavaScript library created by Facebook, has brought innovative changes to the development of dynamic user interfaces.

  • Component-based structure. Employs a methodology centered on components, enhancing the reusability of UI elements.
  • Dynamic user interfaces. Excellently suited for crafting interactive interfaces with state management.
  • Extensive community support. Benefits from robust support from a vast community, providing an array of resources and tools.

The widespread acclaim of React is attributed to its effectiveness in the updating and rendering of components, positioning it as a preferred choice for intricate, interactive web endeavors.


Angular stands out as a formidable JavaScript framework, favored for crafting scalable web applications with efficiency.

  • Complete development suite. Provides an exhaustive set of tools for creating interactive single-page applications.
  • Bi-directional data synchronization. Eases the coordination between the model and view elements.
  • Suitable for large-scale applications. Its scalability is highly regarded, ideal for substantial enterprise projects.

The all-inclusive character of Angular positions it as the preferred choice for developers pursuing a holistic method in frontend development.


Vue.js, known for its simplicity and flexibility, is a progressive JavaScript framework gaining popularity in the frontend world.

  • Easy to learn and integrate. Offers a gentle learning curve and is easy to integrate into projects.
  • Flexible and lightweight. Ideal for both small and large-scale projects due to its lightweight and flexible nature.
  • Rapid development and prototyping. Enables quick development and prototyping, beneficial for startups and rapid project cycles.

Vue.js’s adaptability and ease of use make it a favored choice for developers focused on efficiency and speed in web development.

Each of these frontend technologies brings its unique strengths to the table, collectively shaping the way users interact with and experience the digital world.

From the foundational HTML and CSS to the advanced capabilities of frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, the frontend ecosystem in 2024 is rich and conducive to creative and functional web design.

Practical Applications and Use Cases

In the diverse world of web development, programming languages serve as the tools that bring ideas to life. The practical applications of these languages are as varied as their features. Let’s explore how different programming languages cater to specific needs in web development, from creating dynamic websites to managing complex databases.

Dynamic Websites

  • Languages like JavaScript, Ruby, and Python are pivotal in creating dynamic websites.
  • JavaScript, with its numerous frameworks, is instrumental in adding interactivity and real-time features to web pages.
  • Ruby, particularly with Ruby on Rails, simplifies the creation of customized dynamic content.
  • Python, known for its simplicity, is often used in data-driven dynamic websites, integrating easily with various database solutions.

These languages transform static web pages into engaging platforms, offering users a rich and interactive experience.


  • PHP and Java are commonly used in the development of e-commerce platforms.
  • PHP, with its strong CMS support, is ideal for building customizable online stores, especially with platforms like WooCommerce.
  • Java offers robustness and security, making it suitable for large-scale e-commerce sites where reliability is key.

The choice of language in e-commerce is crucial for handling transactions securely and providing a seamless shopping experience.

Database Management

  • Languages like Python, Java, and C# play a significant role in database management.
  • Python is used for data analysis and handling large datasets, often in conjunction with SQL databases.
  • Java and C# are preferred for complex database systems, thanks to their strong integration with database management tools and secure handling of data.

Effective database management ensures that websites are efficient, scalable, and capable of handling large amounts of data.

Mobile-responsive design is essential in today's mobile-first world, ensuring accessibility and a consistent user experience across various devices.

Cloud Computing

  • Python and Java are often used in cloud computing environments.
  • Python, with its simplicity and scalability, is a favorite for cloud-based applications.
  • Java, known for its portability, is ideal for enterprises moving their operations to the cloud.

Cloud computing allows for greater scalability and flexibility in web applications, reducing the need for physical infrastructure.

API Integration

  • Languages like JavaScript and Ruby are key players in API integration.
  • JavaScript, particularly with Node.js, is widely used for building RESTful APIs and handling real-time data exchange.
  • Ruby simplifies the process of integrating third-party APIs, enhancing the functionality of web applications.

API integration is vital for modern web applications, allowing them to communicate with other services and offer expanded capabilities.

Content Management Systems (CMS)

  • PHP, Python, and JavaScript are commonly used in CMS development.
  • PHP dominates this space with WordPress, enabling the creation of user-friendly, customizable websites.
  • Python and frameworks like Django are used for more data-intensive CMSs.
  • JavaScript, with its dynamic nature, is used in headless CMSs where flexibility and customization are required.

CMSs empower users to manage and publish content easily, catering to a wide range of website types from blogs to corporate websites.

In each of these scenarios, the choice of programming language is influenced by the specific requirements and goals of the project. Understanding the strengths and typical use cases of each language is crucial in making an informed decision that aligns with the project’s needs. Whether it's building a dynamic website, a secure e-commerce platform, or integrating complex systems, the right programming language can make all the difference in the success of a web development project.

Which Languages Are the Best to Build a Website?

The journey to building a successful website is unique for each project, and so is the choice of programming language. There's no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of which language is best for website development. Instead, the decision hinges on a myriad of factors, including the type of website, its objectives, and the specific requirements of the project.

Tailoring to Project Needs

  • E-commerce and large-scale projects. For complex sites like e-commerce platforms or large-scale projects, languages like Java and PHP offer robustness and extensive support for database management and transaction processing.
  • Startups and rapid development. Startups or projects requiring rapid development and deployment might benefit from Python or Ruby, known for their efficiency and developer-friendly frameworks.
  • Interactive and dynamic websites. For websites needing high interactivity and dynamic content, JavaScript and its frameworks like React or Vue.js provide the tools for creating responsive and engaging user interfaces.

The landscape of web development languages is rich and diverse, with each language offering unique advantages.

  • Performance and scalability. Some languages excel in performance and scalability, crucial for websites with high traffic and data processing needs.
  • Security. Others offer advanced security features, a priority for websites handling sensitive user data.
  • Cross-platform compatibility. Certain languages are better suited for cross-platform compatibility, making them ideal for websites that need to perform seamlessly across various devices.
Selecting the right programming language for a website is a significant decision. Evrone's team of web development experts is ready to assist in this process. With expertise in a broad range of programming languages and technologies, the company offers services that meet the specific requirements of each project.
Best Programming Languages to Build a Website in 2024 1 Alexander Kirillov CTO, Evrone
  • Expert guidance and support. With our comprehensive understanding of the latest web development trends and technologies, we are well-equipped to provide you with expert guidance and support.
  • Customized solutions. We believe in creating customized solutions that cater to the unique needs of your project, ensuring that the technology we recommend is the best fit for your specific requirements.
  • Partnership and collaboration. Working with us means entering into a partnership where your vision and goals are at the forefront. We collaborate closely with you to bring your vision to life, ensuring your website stands out in the digital landscape.

In an ever-changing technological landscape, correct decisions in web development are crucial for success. Contact the web development experts at Evrone to begin your journey with confidence and clarity. The ideal web solution for your needs is within reach through a consultation.

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