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Developing an MVP for a Cryptocurrency Payment Processing Service

Evrone assisted in developing the MVP for, a service that enables businesses to accept and send cryptocurrency payments with the option to convert them into fiat currencies. We built the backend, frontend, and user interface for the service.

September 2024 4 mins is a B2B service that allows businesses to conduct transactions in cryptocurrencies. The platform enables clients to accept payments and make transfers in cryptocurrencies and stablecoins. Customers can choose to automatically convert payments into or from traditional currencies and store balances in fiat to avoid volatility.

The client approached us with this concept since we had collaborated on previous projects. Evrone developed the backend for using Ruby on Rails, along with the frontend and UI design. The team included three Ruby developers, a frontend developer, a DevOps engineer, a designer, and a project manager. It took seven months to develop the MVP before launch.


The basic features required for this crypto startup included receiving, converting, and transferring funds to clients. Our client wasn’t looking for unique features; they needed a financial product that would be easy to maintain and scale. In the kick-off stage, we analyzed similar projects and used the classic Ruby on Rails.

The backend and frontend communicate via REST API, and we used the Active Admin gem for the admin panel. Blockchain integration was isolated into a separate process implemented as a module, meaning that liquidity provider connections were handled via an external service. This ensured the core application logic remained isolated, allowing this process to be scaled independently of the rest of the platform. The project also included integration with a provider for generating and managing cryptocurrency wallets and an external transaction analytics service that monitors suspicious cryptocurrency transactions. Clients can interact with the service through a user interface or a universal API.

Our DevOps engineer planned the project's infrastructure and budget. We suggested using DigitalOcean’s cloud for testing environments, and for production, we deployed on reliable AWS infrastructure.

Architecturally, the project is a modular monolith, which can later be split into microservices if needed.


The frontend of is a static web application built with React and TypeScript, using the Ant Design library with custom extensions. Architecturally, it follows Domain Driven Design (DDD), dividing the application into separate layers with defined responsibilities. This classic approach ensures that scaling and developing the platform will remain simple and cost-effective.

Looking to build a robust cryptocurrency payment processing system for your business? Our team specializes in creating scalable platforms tailored to your needs. Contact us today to discuss your project!

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In our visual design process, we always consider industry specifics and standards. For example, cryptocurrency services typically deal with large datasets, which are usually displayed compactly on the page.

During the concept stage, we offered the client two design directions—either adhering to industry standards or positioning the product as an alternative to conventional solutions. The first concept focused on calm colors and data density, common in crypto services, and visually closer to Microsoft Excel than traditional banking or analytics tools. The second concept presented a more crafted alternative, positioning the service as a unique offering with informal communication. Ultimately, the client chose the first concept, giving a confident, clear, and familiar look for the industry.

Most of the product’s audience are experienced users of payment tools, but there are always newcomers who use the service for the first time. That’s why it's essential to strike a balance in such interfaces—guiding newcomers through their first steps without overwhelming experienced users. In, we addressed this by refining interface text, adding subtle hints, implementing elegant solutions with text fields, and breaking complex scenarios into steps. For instance, two-factor authentication was split into three stages, ensuring users could focus on each step without getting confused by the process.

Data verification before transferring funds is a key feature for any service dealing with transactions. In cryptocurrency transactions, many situations arise where the absence of proper verification can lead to irreversible consequences and significant financial losses. That’s why our interface helps users focus on areas that require careful review.

Future Plans

The project has successfully launched and is currently in operation. We continue to develop the platform and are steadily adding new features. We’ve already updated the approach to data storage, and upcoming updates will improve deposits, withdrawals, and refunds, as well as add webhook feedback functionality. At the same time, we’re working on an optimal solution for integrating with the liquidity provider. Since the connection is made via a web socket and the number of requests per second is limited, we’ve implemented a request queue that needs to be managed, for which we’ve developed an order book and are now testing it.

This project follows a classic and understandable tech stack that enables efficient scaling and future development. We adhere to a unified approach to integrations, using proven libraries and gems to prevent unexpected challenges for the client in the future.

The Evrone team is ready to join your project! We can handle the development of a payment processor or a cryptocurrency gateway. We work on both outsourcing and outstaffing models and are flexible in terms of conditions. Fill out the form to discuss how we can help you!

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