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App Development for Startups

We specialize in transforming startup visions into market-ready solutions through custom mobile app development for startups. We innovate and build solutions that resonate with the needs of startups. With a long history of collaboration across various industries, we've proven our expertise in startup application development, and we deliver products that stand out.

Our team of experts in technology, design, and business strategy focuses on creating mobile applications that excel in quality, performance, and user-centric design. We understand that for startups, the app is a primary element of their business model, a tool for engaging clients, and a platform for growth. We make sure every app is safe by using the newest technologies, platforms, and connections.

Our process is collaborative and transparent, and we help startups easily navigate the complexities of mobile app development for startups. At Evrone, we engineer success stories.

Our App Development Services for Startups

Our aim is to turn innovative ideas into great applications. Here’s a closer look at our range of services:

Android App Development We use the full potential of the Android platform to create high-performance apps, using the latest tools to make sure your app works well across all devices and versions.
iOS App Development We craft secure, intuitive, and visually appealing apps that meet the high standards of the App Store. Our iOS solutions are designed to deliver superior performance and a user-friendly interface.
Cross-platform Mobile App Development For startups looking to reach a wider audience, we use frameworks like Flutter and React Native to provide consistent functionality and experience across Android and iOS, optimizing time and your investment.
Prototyping & Wireframing Prototyping and wireframing are the first step in bringing your vision to life. This process helps identify user flow and UI/UX design requirements early on to build a solid foundation for the following development work.
UI/UX Design Understanding that the success of an app relies on its user experience,  we pay special attention to creating intuitive, attractive and visually pleasing interfaces. We prioritize user feedback and market trends to design experiences that captivate and retain users. 
Support and Maintenance Post-launch, we remain committed to your success through ongoing support and maintenance services. Your app stays up-to-date with the latest technologies that keep it competitive and bug-free.
Consulting Services We guide startups through the complex process of app development. From strategy development to technology selection and market entry, we provide expert advice to help you make the right decisions.

Technologies We Use 

Here’s how we use some of the leading technologies:

Industries We Serve

We tailor our services to meet the needs of startups in various sectors:

Fintech From mobile banking to payment solutions and investment platforms, our fintech apps provide security, compliance with regulations, and a great UX. Manage your finances easely! SaaS For startups in the Software as a Service SaaS industry, we develop high-performance apps designed to serve businesses and consumers alike. Our focus on UI/UX design along with reliable backend infrastructure, supports growth, user retention, and continuous improvement of SaaS products Real Estate We help real estate startups enter and change the property market with apps that offer virtual tours, property listings, and transaction platforms. Solutions we create improve the buying, selling, and renting experience, and make it more accessible, efficient, and transparent for everyone Healthcare We focus on improving patient outcomes and operational efficiency. We build HIPAA-compliant apps for telemedicine, patient management, and wellness tracking, and ensure privacy protection, data security, and a user-friendly interface for patients and healthcare providers Retail For retail, we develop applications that increase customer engagement and shopping experience. From personalized shopping assistants to inventory management and omnichannel sales platforms, our retail apps drive sales and customer satisfaction eCommerce We specialize in building eCommerce apps that provide an easy shopping experience across devices. The apps we build feature secure payment integrations, easy navigation, and advanced search capabilities

App Development Process
Customer Request
Initial inquiry with project vision and goals
Defining All System Requirements
Comprehensive analysis to outline technical and business needs, ensuring alignment with goals
Detailed, Development-Ready Specs, Time, and Cost Estimates
Finalizing project blueprint, timelines, and financial plans for clarity
Team Assembly
A dedicated team of experts is formed, combining the right mix of developers, designers, and project managers to bring the vision to life
Active Development
Coding begins, transforming specs into a functional project
QA and Testing
Rigorous checks to ensure functionality, reliability, and security
The completed solution is launched and handed over to the client
After Release Support
Ongoing assistance to address any emerging needs or optimizations

Why Choose Us?

Choosing Evrone for your backend development means partnering with a visionary leader in digital solutions. Here’s why we stand out:

  • Team of Professionals

Our team is made of industry experts who bring creativity, skills, and dedication to every project. Our team philosophy ensures that we deliver solutions not just to meet but to exceed your expectations.

  • 15+ Years of Experience

After working in the industry for more than fifteen years, we've become experts in many different areas, providing valuable knowledge and insights that are hard to beat.

  • Software Lifecycle Predictability

Our methodology ensures predictability in software development and enables us to deliver projects on time and within budget.

  • Cost-Saving

We focus on working efficiently and effectively, which saves our clients money without sacrificing quality.

  • Quality and Expertise

At the heart of Evrone is a commitment to quality and rich expertise, which allows us to tackle complex challenges and deliver great solutions.

  • Complex Delivery Experience

We've delivered all kinds of projects, from basic apps to big business solutions. No matter how complex or tricky, we're up to the challenge.

  • 2000+ Successfully Completed Projects

Our vast experience across industries underscores our capability to understand and fulfill unique project demands effectively.

  • 100+ Clients Worldwide

Our clients around the world show that we can adapt and succeed in any market or culture.


What Timeline Should I Expect for Mobile Application Development?
It can vary significantly based on several factors, including the complexity of the app, the chosen platform(s), and the features required. Generally, a basic app can take from 3 to 6 months to develop, while more complex applications could require 6 months to a year or more. Our team works closely with startups to establish a realistic timeline and ensure a balance between speed to market and the quality of the final product.
How Much Does It Cost to Build an App for Startups?
The cost can range widely based on the app's complexity, platform choices (Android, iOS, or cross-platform), design specifics, and required functionalities.It's hard to give a fixed price without knowing all about your project. Simple apps might start at a few thousand dollars, but more complex ones could cost tens of thousands or even more. At Evrone, we provide detailed estimates to help you plan your budgets effectively.
Why Should Startups Consider Developing an App?
Developing an app brings many advantages, like boosting your visibility, getting customers more involved, and finding new ways to make money. An app can serve as a direct channel to customers. Additionally, having a mobile app can significantly improve your startup's competitive edge, as data collection and insights drive smarter business decisions. With our expertise, startups can leverage these advantages even to exceed their strategic goals.
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