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Evrone Hosts First Post-COVID Conference at VSU

April 2024

We are finally getting back to offline events! On March 22nd, in the main building of Voronezh State University (VSU), we held the "Evrone: Introduction to DevOps" conference, where our team members introduced the basics of the profession to students of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics (PMM).

Our mentor, Pavel Argentov, taught the students how to communicate with DevOps engineers. Evrone's CTO, Alexander Kirillov, spoke about case studies from our practice.

vsu devops meetup

We also set up a booth where attendees could learn about Evrone's corporate culture and receive merchandise for participating in activities. For interested students, we conducted a quiz, the winners of which were offered the chance to try out the DevOps engineer profession during a paid internship at Evrone.

It's fantastic to hold such conferences again after COVID! We are glad that Evrone itself proposed to hold the conference. Our faculty trains the best IT specialists, and we hope for further fruitful cooperation with the company.
Evrone Hosts First Post-COVID Conference at VSU 2 Sergey Medvedev Dean at PMM, VSU

On April 19th, we will hold another conference for students of technical faculties at VSU, focusing on frontend development. Senior specialists from Evrone will discuss the basics of the profession and real-life cases.

At the beginning of 2024, Evrone and VSU signed a cooperation agreement, under which we are conducting events for students.

Working with students is an investment in both the company's future and the industry as a whole. Reinforcing theory with practice is the best way to grasp the basics of the profession, so we invite active students to paid internships.
Alexander Kirillov
CTO, Evrone
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