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Evrone at TeamLeadConf 2021

Read an article on Evrone’s participation in TeamLeadConf conference for developers, managers, DevOps, and QA specialists who want to learn more about technical management.

July 2021 4 mins

The TeamLeadConf and the Highload ++ conferences are considered to be the two most anticipated events for developers. TeamLeadConf has been held since 2018 and brings together professionals in the field of development management.

Unlike narrow-profile conferences devoted to specific languages ​​or issues, TeamLeadConf is universal. There you can meet developers, managers, DevOps, and QA specialists who want to learn more about technical management.

On April 29-30, 2021, the TeamLeadConf was held at the World Trade Center in Moscow. Evrone was there with a stand for participants, and team members Tatiana Sukhodolova and Mikhail Grachev presented their reports.


People come to conferences looking for solutions. Therefore, when choosing a topic for a speech, we look, not only at our own expertise and experiences, but also at the popularity of issues in the industry.

For example, in 2019, we realized that the world was moving to a remote mode of operation, so we made a presentation on managing distributed teams. After all, Evrone has existed in this mode since the day of its foundation.

Of course, it is quite difficult to assess the "hype" of a topic, but we focus on the frequency of search queries, questions on popular resources in the IT community, and so on. Grigory Petrov, who has been involved in IT events for almost 10 years, helps Evrone formulate topics. In addition to choosing a direction, he helps future speakers prepare for their speeches and avoid the frequent mistakes of beginners.

This year he helped prepare and submit two reports, and both of them were accepted by the TeamLeadConf organizing committee. Here are the reports included in the program:

  • Tatyana Sukhodolova - "Top 5 cognitive biases in planning in IT"
  • Mikhail Grachev - "Cultivating an open-source culture in a company: What They Don't Write About on the Internet"
evrone sukhodolova evrone sukhodolova teamleadconf

Tatyana talked about the frequent cognitive mistakes that we make when evaluating tasks, due to the physiological characteristics of the brain. For example, “distortion of the false consensus,” which causes us to assume that other people look at a problem in the same way as we do, so we evaluate it the same way.

All types of errors were illustrated, with examples from real development, and the metaphor of "cognitive distortion" was supported by a presentation, designed in the style of the movie Alice in Wonderland.

evrone mikhail grachevevrone mikhail grachev teamleadconf

Mikhail Grachev, one of the biggest open-source software development enthusiasts at Evrone, talked about supporting open-source culture in companies.

The IT sphere is designed in such a way that it is simply impossible to work without tools under different types of free licenses. It turns out that every single day IT professionals take something from the open-source community, but only a few return something to it. This is despite the fact that the open-source tool or framework is often not enough on its own, so it is internally improved for the client project. However, many developers never share these improvements with the community.

To support the community effectively and correctly, you need to create a corporate culture in relation to open-source. Mikhail spoke about this and the advantages that can be obtained by developing free software.

To make the presentation memorable to viewers, we asked an illustrator to manually draw each slide. It helped us to single out Mikhail's performance.

The audience liked the performance and, according to the results of the general voting, the report came in 4th in the overall ratings!

Evrone stand and results of participation

TeamLeadConf took place earlier than Highload and was one of the first conferences to go offline. Therefore, there were few participants with stands. Nevertheless, the visitors were not bored - the organizers provided activities during all breaks.

evrone conference stand

Our main goal was to meet new people in different industries, since team leaders who might be interested in our services come to this event. Therefore, our stand was attended by technical managers from different areas that we specialize in.

In addition, we entertained the guests with the game Evrone Power, in which they had to guess where the photo with a branded power bank was taken. We gave gifts to all participants: squishy toys and a set of stickers. In just 2 days, we gave out over 1,500 prizes.

In the latest issue of our Ruby digest, we talked about how to get the most out of a conference. This was useful for participants, but how do partners and companies evaluate the usefulness of attendance?

Of course, first of all, we are just happy to participate in such a cool event. Oleg Bunin (the organizer of TeamLeadConf) is our old friend and partner, and we trust him as an organizer, so we always look forward to a high-quality event. In addition, we pay attention to our internal goals. For example, this time we focused on the number of potential customers that our services could be useful to. TeamLeadConf did not disappoint there either - we made a lot of beneficial contacts and held several technical consultations, right at the event.

For us, participation in IT conferences and the opportunity to share experiences and expertise is one of the principles of self-realization and self-improvement. Follow our news and look for us among the participants of other IT conferences in 2021. And, if you need an experienced technical team, contact us via the form below. We will get in touch with you to discuss how we can assist with your project.

Client Review

Different processes are discussed at TeamLeadConf, and team building is one of the most difficult and interesting business issues. In this case, not only team leaders are involved, but also developers, testers - everyone is interested in how to organize work so that it does not hurt your team. This conference hits a huge target audience, solves a lot of issues and pains.
Grigory Petrov
DevRel at
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