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Evrone Partners with Analyst Days #18 Conference

The 18th Analyst Days conference, one of the largest events in Eastern Europe dedicated to systems and business analysis in IT, took place in Saint Petersburg. Evrone was a silver partner for the event.

June 2024 1 min

At our booth, we had many activities, the main one being a quiz for analysts. Participants who correctly answered all the questions entered a draw to win prizes. Winners received a Yandex Station, a backpack, and a power bank. All attendees could also get merchandise and stickers.

Analyst Days

Evrone actively participates in the IT community life and attends all major conferences. At the end of April, we attended DUMP, the largest Ural conference, where we entertained guests at our booth and moderated a section.

We also organize our own events. For 15 years, we have been hosting the largest Ruby conference in Eastern Europe, and er regularly hold meetups on various technologies. Stay tuned for the upcoming events!

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